Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shanghai Soda

I went to Chan's Place and DID NOT order one for the first time. They are surprisingly costly. I'm going through immense writers block right now. But perhaps it's not a block, so much as a distraction. I've been sorting a lot of things out, and trying to wrap up the school year with decent grades. I gotta work more on geometry! Other than that, I have 2 B's and 3 A's. I won't tell you my geometry grade....lawl.
Anyways, I've recently been really getting into music that reflects the culture from where it is made. It is such a beautiful achievement to incorporate something as vast as culture into music that isn't nationalistic-waltz shit. Like how Beirut demonstrates the folk-ballads of Slovakia and Germany, how early Beatles introduced British skiffle to the world, and how Glen Hansard uses the spritely acoustic-folk chords of Ireland. I'm probably saying nonsense, but I'm totally right. I'm getting a keytar

Thursday, May 1, 2008

At school

right now. This is way sketch. I just wanted to let people know that I am going to have a new-and-improved "Stabletapes" for sale at my show this Saturday (Punk Rawk Prom!). And possibly a new-and-improved "School Plays EP," but it may prove to be too short notice for me to make them by Satuday. Either or, I'll also have new Deer City shirts with the bird design. I think CD's will go for $5.00 each, and shirts for $6.00. Today, I'm playing at the EMP in Seattle during a protsest march. It's a little weird since it's a Thursday afternoon and a protest march is going to be happening close by, but hopefully it will be fun. Last night I got a call from some "Matthew in Seattle" who invited me to come over to his house and play Halo. But he asked me as if I had previously agreed to do this. He was like "Hey man, you wanna come over now?" It was sketchy to the max! Lately I've been getting really into The Beatles. I wish I was around for the Beatles. Or at least the next Beatles.